After reviewing their calprotectin method, Dr. Elodie Hanon and her team from the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle decided to switch their routine to BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo. The assay is running on the Roche Cobas c702 once a week since March 2018. The evaluation of the BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo showed good precision and repeatability as well as good linearity across the test range. Using the CALEX® Cap for stool extraction accelerates their sampling extraction process significantly and allows them to even use it for liquid stool samples. All in all the Newcastle team could streamline the workflow using the BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo and CALEX® Cap and can now report calprotectin results up to 8000 μg/g. This enables gastroenterologists to use calprotectin for diagnosis and disease monitoring.
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