The Flow CAST® is intended for the determination of basophil activation in patient whole blood samples by flow cytometry. Our unique marker combination – CCR3 and CD63 – combines the simple gating properties for basophil detection by CCR3 with the solid application of the proven activation marker CD63 in one.
Allergy Mediator Release – It is the release of mediators of an allergic reaction, and not merely the presence of specific serum IgE, that is responsible for the clinical manifestation of an allergy. CAST® assays: available in combination with >130 standardized and validated allergens.
BÜHLMANN provides a broad range of quality controlled allergens and mixes which are standardized and validated for the use in the cellular allergy assays. The CAST® Allergens from BÜHLMANN are intended for in vitro leukocyte stimulation in the CAST® Assays, namely Flow CAST® and CAST® ELISA kits.
BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG
Baselstr. 55
4124 Schönenbuch
Phone: +41 61 487 12 12
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