Calprotectin is a very potent marker to discriminate between organic (IBD) and non-organic bowel disease (IBS) and to reliably monitor the course of IBD.

The Quantum Blue
® Calprotectin and TDM rapid testing is a sensitive, non-invasive tool to preselect patients requiring colonoscopy for confirmation of organic bowel disease (IBD), and highly useful in monitoring inflammation and drug levels in chronic inflammation patients, such as IBD.

Inflammatory disease processes in patients are reliably and accurately determined by BÜHLMANN assays for certain biomarkers which include CIC and anti-C1q antibodies.

Where specific IgE fails to demonstrate diagnostic reliability, especially in more complex reactions such as drug, venom or food allergies, BÜHLMANN has the solution – The complete Cellular Allergy diagnostics package that is complementary to IgE.

Welcome to the BÜHLMANN GanglioCombi
® product group: the new, routine friendly package of commonly standardized ganglioside antibody ELISA assays; different formats of assays for any type of laboratory for different requests.
Employing the long lasting experience with ACE and on a broad range of clinical chemistry analysers, BÜHLMANN is continuously expanding the existing product line with either specialized niche products or new upcoming markers for routine applications.

The detection of alpha-Amanitin (100 %) and gamma-Amanitin (90 %) in urine using the Amanitin ELISA confirms Amanita intoxication due to ingestion of mushrooms.

Molecular diagnostic tests are on the forefront for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, cancer, genetic disorders and pharmacogenetics. BÜHLMANN is your partner to bring the newest automated molecular diagnostic solutions into your lab.
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