Please find our support options here: our Support Teams and our Inquiry Form

Support BÜHLMANN Products

Charline Bubel and Dr. Anders Hansson

Phone: +41 61 487 12 00
Scientific and technical support for all BÜHLMANN products

Application Support

Scientific and technical application support Clinical Chemistry Assays

Support MDx and 3rd Party Products Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Bianka Pfefferle, Nadja Besazza and Tabea Schöpfer

Phone: +41 61 487 12 12
Application and product support for MDx and 3rd party products Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Technical Support MDx Products Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Sorin Ciocan, Stephan Ankli, Edouard Bracher and Philipp von Rohr

Phone: +41 61 487 98 00
Technical Support for MDx products Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Online Support

Inquiry Form – You can use this form to request information about products

Downloads – In this section you find useful documents to download