BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo, the turbidimetric immunoassay, is a flexible solution to be applied on most clinical chemistry analyzers. The technology is a milestone in automation of pancreatic elastase quantification. It allows very rapid and flexible random access use, as well as being the ideal solution for high throughput applications in the routine laboratory. The fPELA turbo assay reduces the hands-on time dramatically and allows reporting pancreatic elastase results from human stool samples within shortest time.

The CALEX® Cap stool preparation device is the ideal combination with the BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo. The extracts are ready to analyze and the CALEX device can be applied directly into the clinical chemistry analyzer. The same extraction buffer for pancreatic elastase AND fecal calprotectin allows the quantitation of both analytes from the same sample preparation.


Product Information

Name BÜHLMANN fPELA® turbo 
Method particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA)
Sample Type Fecal extracts
Kit Format 2 reagents (R1/ R2)
Calibrators and controls provided separately
Reagent set lasts for ≥100 tests
Sample Preparation CALEX® Cap extracts ready to use without dilution
On-board Stability Stable for three months
Calibration Stable for two months
Calibration Range 0-500 µg/g
Measuring Range 10-5000 µg/g
Sample Volume ~10 ul centrifuged fecal Extract (1:500)
Time to Result ~10 min
CALEX® Extraction ~20 min


Application Notes

Available upon request

Abbott Alinity
Architect c-series
Beckman Coulter AU Series
BioSystems BA200
Mindray BS-480
BS-240 Pro
Ortho Vitros 7600
Roche cobas c303
cobas c501/c502
cobas c701/702
cobas c503
Siemens Atellica
Snibe Biossays 240 Plus
Thermo Fisher Scientific Indiko
The Binding Site Optilite

*validation ongoing;
