Laurent Collignon

Title: Chief Executive Officer

With BÜHLMANN Laboratories since 2024 Studied
Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science at ENCPB, with an MBA from ESCP Business School. Held several leadership positions in the diagnostics industry, including pivotal roles at Sanofi and Bio-Rad Laboratories. Spearheaded strategic initiatives that transformed and grew the company’s operations, with a focus on innovation, operational efficiency, and team development.

Dr. Thomas Hafen

Title: Senior Advisor

With BÜHLMANN Laboratories since 2004
Studied International Affairs at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), PhD in Political Sciences
Several positions in the Swiss State Secretary for Economic Affairs

Guido Dettwiler

Title: Chief Sales Officer

With BÜHLMANN Laboratories since 1994
Educated as Chemical Laboratory Technician at Ciba-Geigy and Marketing Planner at the HKV Basel

Chris Moore

Title: Chief Marketing Officer

With BÜHLMANN Laboratories since 2003
Studied Biology in Austria and Basel University, PhD in Neuroscience, filled several positions within BÜHLMANN and EC since 2020

Dr. Andreas P. Abel

Title: Chief Operations Officer

With BÜHLMANN Laboratories since 2006
Studied Chemistry in Basel and was holding, after a PostDoc position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), several industrial positions

Lucienne Aman

Title: Chief Logistics Officer

With BÜHLMANN Laboratories since 1988
Studied Business and Administration Management at Université de Haute Alsace (UHA)

Dr. Christian-Benedikt Gerhold

Title: Chief Technology Officer

With BÜHLMANN Laboratories since 2017
Studied Biochemistry and Macromolecular Sciences at the University of Bayreuth, PhD in Structural Biology at the LMU, Munich
Post-Doc and Marie Curie Fellow at FMI, Basel