
BÜHLMANN Announces Home Testing Device For IBD Patients

The BÜHLMANN Press Release on the Calprotectin home test for the Fight IBD day at ECCO 2014 Copenhagen. Link to Press Release For further reading on the topic you find links here: – Fecal Calprotectin correlates more closely with the simple endoscopic score for Crohns Disease than CRP, Blood Leukocytes, and the CDAI. Schöpfer et

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Interview With Dr. F. Barbut (national Reference Center For Clostridium Difficile In France) About The Evaluation Of The Amplivue® C. Difficile Mdx Poc Test From Quidel

Please read our new success story about the evaluation of the AmpliVue® C. difficile from Quidel here.

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Movie From The Seegene Booth At The ECCMID 2013 In Berlin And From The Dinner With Seegene’s Key Customers

For Seegene the participation at the ECCMID 2013 in Berlin was again very successful and a lot of customers came by at the booth to get information about the innovative products & automation, the unique technologies and the latest developments. Also the Seegene dinner, with meanwhile more than 180 key customers this year, was held,

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Movie With Interviews About Seegene And The Innovative Anyplex™ II Products That Are Based On The Unique TOCE™ Technology

You will find Interviews from leading european laboratories, leading global industrial companies and distributors who are speaking about the benefits they see in Seegene’s proprietary TOCE™ Technology and the Anyplex™ II products HPV28, STI-7, RV16, RB5 and MTB/MDR/XDR as well as the automation on the NIMBUS IVD and the STARlet from Hamilton. By loading the

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