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BÜHLMANN Posters at UEGW 2023

Discover insightful posters from BÜHLMANN focusing on calprotectin assay standardization, presented at the United European Gastroenterology Week 2023!

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BÜHLMANN sCAL® turbo 10 Application Notes

Completion of 10 application notes for our new turbidimetric immunoassay: BÜHLMANN sCAL® turbo – a fast, inexpensive and reliable biomarker of inflammation in blood serum!

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BÜHLMANN Poster from the EuroMedLab 2023

New BÜHLMANN poster about recombinant calprotectin as a promising material to overcome discrepant immunoassays standardizations.

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Highlights from ECCO Congress 2023

BÜHLMANN presented a poster on Quantum Blue® Infliximab and Adalimumab using capillary blood at this year’s ECCO Congress in Copenhagen.

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