Blog Archives

BÜHLMANN Opens North American Affiliate

We are proud to announce that our new affiliate, BUHLMANN Diagnostics Corporation (BDC), based in Amherst, NH, USA now directly serves our customers in the USA and Canada. “We are excited about the opportunity to work directly with our customers, BDC will help us foster closer relationships and enhance our customer support interactions as well

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Seegene’s HPV DNA assay proves its excellent performance in WHO global HPV LabNet study

The WHO HPV LabNet has developed an international proficiency panel for HPV DNA detection and genotyping, and organized annual proficiency studies since 2008. It has been implemented study for HPV assays used in various laboratories, and in recent studies, total 119 laboratories participated in this study (2014 WHO HPV LabNet – Europe: 68 labs, Western

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BÜHLMANN GanglioCombi™MAG ELISA: define the autoimmune etiology of a peripheral neuropathy

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new BÜHLMANN GanglioCombi™ MAG ELISA. The assay is the only test in the field of Neuroimmunology for simultaneous detection of anti-MAG and anti-ganglioside antibodies. The most prominent gangliosides and MAG are aligned on a microtiter plate in order to define an autoimmune etiology of a peripheral neuropathy.

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Evaluation of the Anyplexll HPV28 Real-Time PCR test from Seegene at Istituto Cantonale di Patologia in Locarno

Interview with Dr. Francesca Molinari, Istituto Cantonale in Locarno   Deutsch Français Italiano INTERVIEW MIT DR. FRANCESCA MOLINARI, ISTITUTO CANTONALE, LOCARNO Frau Dr. Molinari, das Istituto Cantonale di Patologia in Locarno hat sich kürzlich für den neuen Seegene Anyplex™ II HPV28 Test entschieden, der simultan 28 Humane Papillomviren auf einem Real-Time PCR Instrument detektiert, genotypisiert

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