Blog Archives

Evaluation of the QUIDEL AmpliVue® HSV1+2 MDx POC system at Unilabs, Coppet

Interview with Marie-Christine Descombes, FAMH, Responsible for Microbiology at Unilabs, Coppet  Deutsch    Français ENTRETIEN AVEC MADAME MARIE-CHRISTINE DESCOMBES, UNILABS COPPET Responsable du service de microbiologie du Laboratoire Unilabs site de Coppet – traitant l’ensemble des analyses de microbiologie d’Unilabs pour l’ensemble de la Suisse Romande. Il s’agit d’une plateforme technique polyvalente traitant 500 dossiers par

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BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG is proud to announce the achievement of ISO 9001:2008, EN ISO 13485:2012 + AC:2012 re-certification and ISO 13485:2003 for CMDCAS from TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH / TÜV SÜD America Inc. for our Quality Management System, demonstrating our commitment to the quality of our IVD products. It is a great achievement that shows

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Random Access Immuno Turbidimetric Faecal Calprotectin Assay

In autumn 2015 BÜHLMANN will launch a new generation of faecal calprotectin assay. The BÜHLMANN fCAL™turbo, the next step in automation of faecal calprotectin quantification. Fecal calprotectin (fCAL) is the most important marker for in vitro diagnostic detection of gut inflammation. Immunological quantitation is well established and is used in the diagnostic work-up of inflammatory

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Evaluation of the QUIDEL AmpliVue® C.difficile MDx POC system at MCL, Niederwangen

MCL, NIEDERWANGEN QUIDEL® AMPLIVUE® C.DIFFICILE Dr. Angelika Ströhle, Fachverantwortliche Mikrobiologie bei MCL, Medizinische Laboratorien in Niederwangen   Deutsch | Français INTERVIEW MIT FRAU DR. STRÖHLE, MCL MEDIZINISCHE LABORATORIEN NIEDERWANGEN Der neue molekularbiologische Schnelltest AmpliVue® C. difficile von QUIDEL®ermöglicht die Detektion aller Toxin-produzierenden Clostridium difficile Stämme in Stuhlproben innerhalb von nur 80 Minuten, mit minimaler Hands-on

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