Blog Archives

Evaluation of the Anyplexll HPV28 Real-Time PCR test from Seegene at Istituto Cantonale di Patologia in Locarno

Interview with Dr. Francesca Molinari, Istituto Cantonale in Locarno   Deutsch Français Italiano INTERVIEW MIT DR. FRANCESCA MOLINARI, ISTITUTO CANTONALE, LOCARNO Frau Dr. Molinari, das Istituto Cantonale di Patologia in Locarno hat sich kürzlich für den neuen Seegene Anyplex™ II HPV28 Test entschieden, der simultan 28 Humane Papillomviren auf einem Real-Time PCR Instrument detektiert, genotypisiert

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UEGW 2015 News

This year the United European Gastroenterology Week took place from October 24th to 28th in Barcelona. Over 13 000 participants from 114 countries were present. The BÜHLMANN team was among the 2325 exhibitors. This year’s UEGW marked an important event for us with the publication of the first clinical usability evaluation  of IBDoc®. The data was

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Launch of BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo

The BÜHLMANN fCAL turbo® is now available. The first immunoturbidimetric assay is applicable on all major chemistry analyzers and offers reliable and fast results in the determination of fecal calprotectin. The broad calibration range from 20-2000 µg/g calprotectin reduces the amount of retesting down to <4%, whereby the measuring range is from 20-8000 µg/g calprotectin. Furthermore, since the

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NEW in the MDx Product Portfolio of BÜHLMANN: MammaTyper® & RNXtract® from BioNTech

We are pleased to announce that with the new MammaTyper® Test from BioNTech, we could expand our MDx portfolio in the field of breast cancer biomarker detection and quantification with an innovative Genexpression Test, which reliably quantifies the four recommended genes according to the St. Gallen guidelines. For the extraction and purification of total RNA

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