Blog Archives

SGPath / ÖGPath 2024

SGPath / ÖGPath Date: 26 – 28 September 2024 Location: Feldkirch, Austria Joint Annual Meeting of SGPath and ÖGPath 2024

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Séminaire CNBBMM

Séminaire CNBBMM Date: 26 – 28 September 2024 Location: Toulouse, France Séminaire de rentrée du Collège national de Biochimie-Biologie moléculaire médicale 2024

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Swiss Symposium in POC Diagnostics 2024

Swiss Symposium in POC Diagnostics 2024 Date: 4 October 2024 Location: Zurich, Switzerland 7th Swiss Symposium in Point-of-Care Diagnostics

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SIBIOC 2024 Date: 10 – 11 October 2024 Location: Bologna, Italy 56° Congresso Nazionale SIBioC – Medicina di Laboratorio

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