Blog Archives

Flow CAST® in Drug Development – Webinar

Webinar – Use Basophils as Biomarker for Potency and Efficacy of Drugs in Development with Flow CAST®  Inhibitors of PI3K and BTK pathways are a large focus for pharmaceutical companies with several small molecule inhibitors currently at different stages of development. Enzymatic assays to measure the direct activity of compounds are available in the market

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40 Years Anniversary of BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG

BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG is proud to celebrate its 40 Years Anniversary in 2016. A public symposium with the topic “Aging and Biology” will be held on Friday, 8th of April 2016 in honor to the long-lasting and unique success story in developing, manufacturing and selling of diagnostic products. Read more…

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Testing Potency and Efficacy of Inhibitors of PI3K δ/γ, BTK and SYK Activity

Join BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG and BUHLMANN Diagnostics Corp (BDC) Tuesday April 19, 2016 11:00AM EST/ 8:00AM PST/ 5:00PM CET Inhibitors of PI3K and BTK pathways are a large focus for pharmaceutical companies with several small molecule inhibitors currently at different stages of development. Enzymatic assays to measure the direct activity of compounds are available in

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Launch of the Quantum Blue® Infliximab trough level rapid test

We are proud to announce the launch of the new Quantum Blue® Infliximab trough level rapid test. Detection and monitoring of serum levels of the anti-TNFalpha monoclonal antibody is a key element in the treatment of IBD patients and helps to manage dosage of the infliximab therapy. Read more.

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